Discover more payment options for your business.

With a single PayPal account, you now have even more payment options for your business.Get paid easily and securely anywhere you do business.

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PayPal Business Solutions

PayPal makes it easy to get paid globally for your business. PayPal's secure online payment solutions offers in-context checkout on websites, mobile devices, by sending emailed invoices or through direct payments (PayPal.Me). You get to choose the best mode of payment for your business

PayPal CheckoutWebsite Payments Standard
Higher checkout success within your online store or website (PayPal "In-Context Checkout")POPULAR
Customized Checkout ExperiencePOPULAR
Customers can pay you without a PayPal Account
Optimised for Mobile Checkout
Accept Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard and AMEX
Accept Global Payments on Foreign Currencies
Simplified PCI Compliance
Built-in Fraud Protection
Easy DIY set-up
Supports 2-Factor Authentication (3DS Protocol)
Monthly fee$0.00$0.00

More Payment Choices

For Businesses to enable payments without an online store or website, choose a PayPal Business Solutions to meet your business needs. Offer your customers the option to choose how they want to make your payment.

Payment Choices with PayPal Business Solutions
Business Benefits & FeaturesPay by InvoicePay by PayPal.MePay by Email
Customers can pay you without a PayPal Account
Customers can pay you over chat apps or social media networks
Customers can pay you over email
Accept credit and debit cards
Accept payments in 100+ currencies
Simplified PCI compliance
Built-in fraud protection
Supports recurring billing/payments
API-based reporting and updates
Monthly fee$0.00$0.00$0.00

More Value with PayPal Business Solutions

Start selling faster, experience higher checkout conversion and straightforward fees with PayPal