PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.
Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.
We’ll email you if a dispute is raised and place a temporary hold on the funds.
You can communicate with the buyer in the Resolution Center.
If the dispute can’t be resolved in 20 days, escalate it to a claim for our review.
Your customers may dispute a transaction due to failure to receive an item they’ve ordered, or they received an item that is significantly different from your description. Sometimes, a dispute may also arise from unauthorized activities in their accounts. In most cases, communication is key when working to reduce the likelihood of claims, disputes and chargebacks. Here’re a few tips to help you along.
PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.
Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.