Policy Updates

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Past Policy Updates


This page displays past policy updates (documents published on our site that notify users in advance of important changes to the PayPal service, its User Agreement, or other policies). Each policy update shows the date on which the change took effect.

*For past policy updates relating to changes that took effect earlier than December 2013, please view this PDF.

*For past policy updates between Jan 2014 and Dec 2018, please view this PDF.


Last updated on 28 March 2024

Notice of Amendment(s) to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement(s) or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices. Note that additional changes could be made to previewed agreements on or before the effective dates listed, provided the applicable notice requirements are met.

Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.

Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarise yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the User Agreement.



Issued: 28 March 2024

Removal of SOFORT as an alternative payment method and deletion of related terms
Effective: 28 May 2024

  • SOFORT is no longer available as an alternative payment method and is removed from the list of alternative payment method providers contained in Annex 1 of the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement.


Issued: 11 March 2024

Amendments to the Privacy Statement for PayPal Services
Effective 15 April, 2024:

  • We are now offering package tracking as part of the PayPal services and we are updating our privacy statement to clarify that we may receive package tracking information from merchants when you Pay with PayPal or from your email when you provide consent.


Issued: 21 February 2024

Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement
Effective 28 May, 2024:

  • We are clarifying our Taxes and Information Reporting terms and our currency conversion terms.
  • We are making changes to clauses on ‘Indemnification and Limitation of Liability’ and ‘Governing law and Jurisdiction’ to clarify which provisions apply to consumers or non-consumers and to distinguish our liability and warranties in respect of consumers and non-consumers.

Review the updated PayPal User Agreement


Amendments to the PayPal Buyer Protection Program
Effective 28 May, 2024:

  • We are revising PayPal’s Buyer Protection Program to exclude Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) from eligibility.
  • In addition to meeting all other eligibility requirements for PayPal’s Buyer Protection Program, disputes asserting Significantly Not as Described claims must be opened by the buyer in the Resolution Centre within 30 days of the delivery or fulfilment of an order or within 180 days of the date a payment was sent by the buyer to the seller, whichever is sooner. The timeframes for opening other disputes asserting other claim types (including Item Not Received, Unauthorised Transactions, or other errors) are not changing at this time.

Review the updated PayPal Buyer Protection Program


Amendments to the Seller Protection Program
Effective 28 May, 2024:

  • We are revising PayPal’s Seller Protection Program to exclude from eligibility Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with a transaction amount of:
    • $10,000.01 USD or above (or equivalent value in local currency as calculated at the time of the transaction);
    • $10,000.00 USD or below (or equivalent value in local currency as calculated at the time of the transaction), unless the buyer claims it was an Unauthorised Transaction and the transaction meets all other eligibility requirements.

Review the updated PayPal Seller Protection Program


Minor editorial changes to some convenience translations of the Consumer Fee Page and Merchant Fee Page
Effective 28 May 2024:

We are making some typographical corrections to some fee pages that have been translated into languages other than English for the convenience of our customers. For the avoidance of doubt, the Table of Fees contained in the PayPal User Agreement prevails in all cases:

  • in the Czech language translation of the Consumer Fee Page, in the section entitled “Výběr zůstatku z osobního účtu PayPal”, removing the letters “(GI)” from the row called “Karty”.
  • in the Greek language translation of the Consumer Fee Page, in the section entitled “Αποστολή και λήψη πληρωμών” we are adding the sentence “Οι χρεώσεις που σχετίζονται με προσωπικές συναλλαγές αναφέρονται παρακάτω”. This sentence translates in English to “The fees for personal transactions are listed below”.
  • in the Greek language translation of the Consumer Fee Page, in the section entitled “CY, EE, LI, LT, LV, MT, SK και SM: Σταθερή χρέωση για μεταφορά σε κάρτα”, removing the row “Ρούβλι Ρωσίας 150,00 RUB” which has been inadvertently published in duplicate.
  • in the Greek language translation of the Merchant Fee Page, in the table entitled “Βασική χρέωση για τη λήψη εγχώριων δωρεών”, adding the letters “(GR)” after the phrase “PayPal Fundraisers (Εμφανιζόμενοι έρανοι) για την Ελλάδα”; and in the table called “Ανάληψη υπολοίπου από επιχειρηματικό λογαριασμό PayPal”, in the row “Τραπεζικός λογαριασμός ΗΠΑ” replacing the letters “BG, RO και SI” with “BG, CY, LI, RO”.
  • in the Slovakian language translation of the Consumer Fee Page, in the section entitled “Posielanie a prijímanie platieb”, adding the sentence “Ďalej uvádzame sadzby za osobné transakcie”. This sentence translates in English to “The fees for personal transactions are listed below”.
  • in the Slovakian language translation of the Merchant Fee Page, in the table entitled “CY, EE, LI, LT, LV, MT, SK a SM – fixný poplatok za prevod na kartu”, adding the row “Marocký dirham 24,00 MAD”.


Last updated on 12 October 2023

Notice of Amendment(s) to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement(s) or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices. Note that additional changes could be made to previewed agreements on or before the effective dates listed, provided the applicable notice requirements are met.

Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.

Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarise yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the User Agreement.



Issued: 12 October 2023

Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement
Effective 16 January 2024:

  • Pursuant to the EU’s Digital Services Act, we are clarifying how users can complain about content others may create and actions we may take.
  • We are clarifying that PayPal may be required to place limitations on your account and/or withhold on certain gross payments received if you do not provide required tax-related information.

Review the updated PayPal User Agreement


Amendments to PayPal’s Seller Protection Program
Effective 16 January 2024:

  • We are revising PayPal’s Seller Protection Program to exclude from eligibility:
    • Item Not Received claims filed by buyers as chargeback claims with their card issuers for card-funded transactions.

Review the updated Seller Protection Program


Amendments to the PayPal Payouts Terms and Conditions

Effective 16 January 2024:

  • The PayPal Payouts Terms and Conditions are being updated to clarify existing product functionality, including:
    • Eligibility requirements for recipients of payouts to successfully receive payouts; and
    • Clarifying the respective responsibility of PayPal and senders with regard to payouts made using the PayPal Payouts product.
  • In addition, the updates provide that:
    • PayPal may require evidence of express recipient consent to receive communications in connection with payouts;
    • Customers must confirm that provision of information to PayPal does not constitute a sale of data to PayPal under applicable law; and
    • Customers may not imply PayPal sponsorship or endorsement without prior permission; nor may customers seek to obtain PayPal user credentials.

Review the updated PayPal Payouts Terms and Conditions


Amendments to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Effective 16 January 2024:

  • The Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments suite of functionality may include the ability to integrate eligible third-party wallets as add-on features. We’re revising our terms to indicate that if you choose to integrate such add-on features, you agree to the applicable third-party terms via your acceptance of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement. Such acceptance includes your acknowledgement and agreement that such third-party features and terms are provided, updated, and noticed solely by the relevant third party and not by PayPal.
  • We are introducing new terms and fees for Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payment users who opt in to be charged under the Interchange Plus Plus Fee Structure.

Review the updated PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Review the updated Merchant fee page



Issued: 24 July 2023

Amendments to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Effective 19 October 2023:

  • the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments suite of functionality may include the ability to integrate eligible third-party wallets as add-on features. We’re revising our terms to indicate that if you choose to integrate such add-on features, you agree to the applicable third-party terms via your acceptance of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement. Such acceptance includes your acknowledgement and agreement that such third-party features and terms are provided, updated, and noticed solely by the relevant third party and not by PayPal.
  • we are making clarifications on the availability of the Account Updater Service.

Review the updated PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement


Last updated on 24 July 2023

Notice of Amendment(s) to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices. Note that additional changes could be made to previewed agreements on or before the effective dates listed, provided the applicable notice requirements are met.

Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.

Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.



Issued: 24 July 2023

Amendments to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Effective 19 October 2023:

  • the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments suite of functionality may include the ability to integrate eligible third-party wallets as add-on features. We’re revising our terms to indicate that if you choose to integrate such add-on features, you agree to the applicable third-party terms via your acceptance of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement. Such acceptance includes your acknowledgement and agreement that such third-party features and terms are provided, updated, and noticed solely by the relevant third party and not by PayPal.
  • we are making clarifications on the availability of the Account Updater Service.

Review the updated PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement


Notice of Amendment(s) to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)

Issued: 8 June, 2023


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices. Note that additional changes could be made to previewed agreements on or before the effective dates listed, provided the applicable notice requirements are met.

Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take effect on the effective date(s) shown below.

Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notice below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you.

If you would prefer to decline such changes you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

We are deleting from the section in the User Agreement headed “Actions We May Take if You Engage in Any Restricted Activities” the provision under which, if you use your PayPal account primarily for the purposes of your trade, business, craft or profession and you violate the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may deduct from any PayPal account you control the sum of USD 2,500 (or the prevailing equivalent in the currency of the country in which you reside) per violation of the Acceptable Use Policy (the Clause). We are also deleting references to this Clause in the corresponding heading and removing unnecessary wording relating to damages. These deletions will take effect on 17 July, 2023. In the meantime, for any new claims PayPal may have arising after the date of this notice under the Clause, we will not enforce our rights under such provisions.

Review the updated PayPal User Agreement


Amendments to the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement

Effective 7 August, 2023

  • Apple Pay will be offered as an Alternative Payment Method for paying an invoice.

Review the updated PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement


Notice of Amendment(s) to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)

Issued: 9 August, 2022


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices. Note that additional changes could be made to previewed agreements on or before the effective dates listed, provided the applicable notice requirements are met.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective October 31, 2022:

  • Business accounts cannot receive personal transactions. Business account holders wishing to receive personal transactions will need to make use of a personal account.
  • If you integrate or reference PayPal services on your website, we are clarifying that PayPal may use automated technologies (e.g., website crawling) to assess your website to ensure compliance with the user agreement and to combat fraud.
  • Pricing for sending and receiving donations is also being updated. The new pricing will result in fee increases for some transactions. You can preview Consumer Fees page and the Merchant Fees page that will be effective following such changes.
  • We are clarifying that PayPal may reverse a payment if you receive(d) compensation from your bank.
  • Introducing 18 additional currencies for withdrawals from a PayPal account and clarifying the minimum and maximum fees that may apply where withdrawal transactions are made in these currencies.

Review the updated PayPal User Agreement


Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)

Issued: May 10, 2022


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective August 1, 2022 we are clarifying:

  • the language in the governing law and jurisdiction clause. This reiterates that consumers have mandatory rights to bring cases against us in local courts.
  • the Reversals clause in the User Agreement to make it clearer when PayPal will be able to reverse a payment.

Review the updated User Agreement.


Important notice to all EU and UK customers

As part of PayPal’s continued efforts to manage some necessary changes arising from the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, we will be withdrawing from the UK Financial Ombudsman Service’s (FOS) Voluntary Jurisdiction on 1st December 2022. Due to changes to UK rules, since 1st January 2021, we have been, and continue to be, subject to the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the FOS for complaints from certain UK customers (consumers and certain smaller businesses that qualify as a micro-enterprise, small business, charity, trustee or guarantor) about events occurring on or after this date and these customers continue to have the right to refer their complaint to the FOS.

Where you have a complaint that relates to an event that occurred before 1st January 2021, and you are dissatisfied with how PayPal has resolved that complaint in our final response, then you must refer that complaint to the FOS before 1st December 2022.


Introduction of PayPal Generosity Network Terms and Conditions (applicable to Greece only)

Effective August 1, 2022 we are:

Introducing terms and corresponding fees for the PayPal Generosity Network in Greece.

Review the PayPal Generosity Network Terms

Review the updated Consumer Fees.

Review the updated Merchant Fees.


Updates to your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate (applicable to Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia and Slovenia)

Effective: May 31, 2022

We are updating your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate by including a field known as “Type of Payment” and listing this as “Recurrent”, which is consistent with the User Agreement in which you provide us with continuous authority when linking a bank account as a funding source to your PayPal account. We will also be updating your SEPA Direct Debit Mandate by including your address.

You will continue to enjoy the benefits of using a SEPA Direct Debit mandate as usual. Please be assured this update will not affect the service you receive in any way.


Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)

Issued: February 11, 2022


This Page

This page details and/or previews updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary (merchants only), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective: May 6, 2022, we are:

  • Revising PayPal’s Seller Protection programs to expand the list of ineligible items to include certain Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with a transaction amount of more than $10,000 USD .
  • Revising the actions we may take if users engage in restricted activities by publishing unlawful content via our website or when using our services.
  • Revising the Complaints section to add additional information relating to all customer complaints.
  • Incorporating the essential terms from the Key Payment and Service Information agreement into the User Agreement including details on the PayPal entity providing the PayPal services, general information on the service, as well as clarification on notices, term and termination.
  • Clarifying that consumers have a 14 day right to withdraw from the User Agreement.
  • Changing the governing law from English law to Luxembourg law, and jurisdiction from English courts to Luxembourg courts to align with the seat of PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., a registered Luxembourg bank.
  • Adding a new section for business account holders, clarifying that liabilities owed to them by PayPal in connection with its products and services may be subject to management or write down by a regulatory or supervisory authority. We are required to include this so that public authorities do not need to bail-out financial institutions such as PayPal if they face financial difficulty..
  • Expanding the withdrawal currencies available for account holders in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia to withdraw their PayPal balance.

Review the updated User Agreement. For Hungarian consumers, the above changes do not apply and the User Agreement dated 28 January 2022 continues to apply.

Review the updated Seller Protection program.

Review the updated Consumer Fees.

Review the updated Merchant Fees.


Amendments to all applicable Legal Agreements

Effective: May 6, 2022, we are:

  • Removing or modifying references to eBay that are no longer applicable, including discontinuing the following agreement:
    • The Merchant Gift Certificates Agreement


Amendments to the Privacy Statement

Effective: May 6, 2022, we are:

  • Adding clarification on collecting personal data for non-account holders and how we use your personal data.

Review the updated Privacy Statement


Amendments to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement:

Effective May 6, 2022, we are:

  • Updating the agreement to reflect that PayPal is a data controller for the provision of the services.

Review the updated PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement


Amendments to the PayPal Partner Fundraising Program Terms and Conditions

Effective April 1, 2022, we are:

  • Amending the terms and conditions so that enrolled charities can benefit from grants made by PayPal Giving Fund Ireland to them as a result of donations from donors in Ireland and other countries.
  • Clarifying changes to the terms and conditions to make it easier to follow and include information where you’d naturally look for it.


Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal Agreement(s)


Revised: December 16, 2021

Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective December 16, 2021 we are:

  • Updating the amount that will be charged as an inactivity service fee (to reflect the correct, lower amount) as well as making it clearer where the fee will not be charged. We have also added in some clarifying wording about the description of the fee.

Review the updated User Agreement


Issued: October 29, 2021


This Page

This page details updates to PayPal users of changes to the Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia PayPal User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements that require notice. You can also review Past Policy Updates notices.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you to accept such changes. However, if you would prefer to decline them, then you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date, as described in the user agreement.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective January 28, 2022 we are:

  • Relocating PayPal’s Buyer Protection program and Seller Protection program terms to separate web pages. These program terms were accepted at the time you agreed to the user agreement and remain part of the user agreement. The relocation is intended to make the terms easier to locate and navigate.
  • Revising PayPal’s Seller Protection program to clarify that proof of shipment and proof of delivery also must include an online verifiable tracking number.
  • Clarifying that abuses of our online dispute resolution process, PayPal's Buyer Protection program, and/or PayPal’s Seller Protection program are restricted activities as defined under the user agreement.
  • Clarifying that you will not be charged a Standard Dispute Fee for disputes that have met all requirements of PayPal’s Seller Protection program.
  • Clarifying that a Minimum Reserve is also known as an Upfront reserve.
  • Introducing 14 additional currencies for withdrawals from a PayPal account and clarifying the minimum and maximum fees that may apply where withdrawal transactions are made in these currencies.
  • Clarifying the definition of the European Economic Area (EEA) by introducing a list of markets/regions which form part of the EEA.

Review the updated User Agreement


Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia Agreement(s)

Issued: August 11, 2021


This Page

This page displays policy updates which notify users of important changes to the PayPal Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements. Please go to “Past Policy Updates” to view previous policy updates.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. By continuing to use our services after the changes take effect, you agree to be bound by those changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you. If you would prefer to decline such changes you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective: November 10, 2021

  • We are revising PayPal’s Seller Protection program to clarify eligibility for certain claims involving travel tickets sold by the travel carrier.
  • We are requiring sellers who are Corporate Customers to notify us of any pricing errors or discrepancies within sixty (60) days from having access to their account statement(s) or other account activity information.
  • We are removing the PayPal Payouts section and replacing it with a standalone agreement called the PayPal Payouts Agreement on the legal hub.
  • We are clarifying the types of costs used to calculate the reasonable minimum estimate that we may recover if you engage in any restricted activities.
  • We are introducing an additional service fee of 1.29% for some international commercial transactions between the EEA and the UK.
  • We are changing the additional percentage-based fees for international commercial transactions as well as simplifying our market/region country classifications for these fees. The fees are changing from the rates shown in the current User Agreement to the new rates shown on the updated Merchant Fee page HERE, which will be effective on November 10, 2021.

To review the updated User Agreement, please click HERE.


Amendments to the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy

  • We are revising the policy to clarify that violations may subject you to damages. We are also expanding the existing list of prohibited activities and clarifying the commercial activities requiring approval.


Amendments to the Data Protection Controller Addendum for Direct Card Processing Products

  • We have amended the addendum to ensure references to products and services are consistent globally.


Amendments to the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement

  • We are revising the Agreement to prohibit acceptance of payments for certain goods and services.


Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia Agreement(s)

Issued: June 21 2021


This Page

This page displays policy updates which notify users of important changes to the PayPal Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements. Please go to “Past Policy Updates” to view previous policy updates.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you. If you would prefer to decline such changes you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective: August 20 2021

We have updated how PayPal converts currency to use PayPal’s own exchange rate and provided for a currency converter tool.

To review the updated User Agreement, please click HERE.

Notice of Amendment(s) to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia Agreement(s)

Issued: April 29 2021


This Page

This page displays policy updates which notify users of important changes to the PayPal Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, and Slovenia User Agreement or other online agreements, policies, or statements. Please go to “Past Policy Updates” to view previous policy updates.


Upcoming Changes

We’re making changes to certain agreements (listed below) that govern your relationship with PayPal. These changes will take place automatically on the corresponding effective date(s) shown below.


Actions Needed

Please carefully review the notices below and familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. Otherwise, no further action is needed from you. If you would prefer to decline such changes you will need to close your PayPal account prior to the applicable effective date.


Amendments to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective: July 30 2021

  • We are further revising PayPal’s Buyer Protection and Seller Protection to be globally consistent and to further clarify which transactions are eligible for protection.
  • We are clarifying how sending or receiving donations are treated.
  • We are changing the inactivity fee to be for accounts registered in the Czech Republic CZK 270.00 and for accounts registered in Liechtenstein to be CHF 10.00. The inactivity fee does not apply to personal accounts registered in Greece.
  • We are clarifying that you may set the currency on your card.

To review the updated User Agreement, please click HERE.


Amendments to the Terms of use for Money Pools

We have amended the terms of use for Money Pools to reflect that existing pools will no longer be maintained in the event the Money Pools services is deprecated.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: January 29, 2021

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on


April 30, 2021.

In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to April 30, 2021 without incurring any additional charges.

Amendments made for linguistic adjustment, to correct or remove orthographical and grammatical mistakes, or changes to the formatting are not highlighted in this document. This does also apply where we have corrected or standardized references.



Effective date: April 30, 2021

  • Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the intended changes.

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

About Your Account – Welcome to PayPal!

We have clarifying wording that our user agreement does not apply to the Xoom services, which are governed by the separate Xoom Legal Agreements.

Making A Payment – PayPal Buyer Protection – Ineligible items and transactions under PayPal Buyer Protection

In this section, we have re-arranged and standardized our list of ineligible items and transactions.

Receiving Payments – PayPal Seller Protection – What's eligible

We have added wording on already shipped physical items or provided intangible goods for clarification.

Receiving Payments – PayPal Seller Protection – Basic requirements

We have added a new second bullet point regarding unauthorized transaction claims.

Receiving Payments – PayPal Seller Protection – Ineligible items and transactions

We have changed and globally standardized our list of items and transactions ineligible for PayPal Seller Protection.

Other Legal Terms – Our Rights – Inactive Accounts

The inactivity fee now also applies for users registered in Liechtenstein and we have added the amount in Swiss francs (CHF) accordingly.

Other Legal Terms – Miscellaneous – Your use (as a seller) of personal data; Data protection laws

We have renamed this section and re-worded it to more specifically reflect on sellers' use of personal data.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: September 29, 2020

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on

December 16, 2020.


In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to December 16, 2020 without incurring any additional charges.

Amendments made for linguistic adjustment, to correct or remove orthographical and grammatical mistakes, or changes to the formatting are not mentioned in this document. This does also apply where we have corrected or standardized numbering and references.



Effective date: December 16, 2020

  • Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the intended changes.

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

About Your Account – Opening an Account – Commercial Entity Status

We have amended the wording in the section to reflect that upon reaching certain thresholds or involving certain business segments or activities, the Commercial Entity Agreements can apply to any type of PayPal account you hold.

About Your Account – Opening an Account – Safe use of your PayPal account

In this section, we have added the requirement to keep the number of a phone to which you are the primary user current in your PayPal account profile.

About Your Account – Fees

In this section, we have removed the last paragraph regarding the merchant rate as we will cease to offer the merchant rate for merchants.

Making A Payment – General provisions for making a payment – Your payment instruction

We added a new paragraph at the end of this section about giving you the option to select certain recipients as "trusted beneficiaries" for a faster payment experience.

Receiving Payments – Refunds and reversals of payments – Dispute fees

We are establishing a dispute fee and its terms and conditions for sellers.

Receiving Payments – Refunds and reversals of payments – Chargeback fee

We have added a new section dealing with the Chargeback fee for clarification.

Receiving Payments – Rules about surcharging

In this section, we have removed the last paragraph referring to the merchant as we will cease to offer the merchant rate for merchants.

Receiving Payments – PayPal Giving Fund

We have added two new sections on the PayPal Giving Fund, which apply to Irish and United Kingdom charities only, respectively.

Receiving Payments – Merchant Rate

This section has been removed as we will cease to offer the merchant rate for merchants.

Resolving Problems – Complaints

We have added a new Complaints section applicable to users registered in the United Kingdom, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and Jersey.

Other Legal Terms – Our Rights – Inactivity Fee

We are establishing an inactivity fee for accounts that have been inactive for at least 12 consecutive months.

NOTE: This provisions does not apply to PayPal users registered in Ireland and to personal accounts registered in Hungary.

Schedule 1: Table of Fees

A2.2.2. Fees for using the checkout solution included in the PayPal Commerce Platform

In section A2.2.2.3., we have removed the reference to the merchant rate and to sections A2.2.3. and A2.2.4. as we will cease to offer the merchant rate for merchants.

A2.2.3. Merchant rate

Section A2.2.3. has been removed as we will cease to offer the merchant rate for merchants.

A3.1. Currency Conversion

In section A3.1.1. we changed the conversion fee for currency conversions of amounts in your PayPal account that do not form part of a specific transaction into or out of your account (e.g. converting your balance to another currency) and for transactions involving a currency conversion for which the seller has agreed to bear the conversion fee to 3.0%.

Section A3.1.2. has been changed to apply for all countries under this user agreement and the currency conversion fee for transactions for which the seller has not agreed to bear the fee to be generally 4.00%.

A3.2. Withdrawing your Balance

In section A3.2.1. we have introduced a fee for withdrawals to a U.S. bank account associated with your PayPal account.

A3.3. Chargeback Fee and Dispute Fee

We have broken own section A3.3. into two sub-sections: A3.3.1. Chargeback Fee, which remains unchanged, and A3.3.2. Dispute Fee which is dealing with our newly introduced Dispute Fee.

NOTE: This fee does not apply to PayPal users registered in Ireland.

A3.13 Inactive PayPal accounts

We have added a new section A3.13 dealing with the newly introduced inactivity fee.



4. Information Security; Data Protection; Data Portability

We have amended section 4.6. to talk about a Data Protection Addendum rather than a schedule (as a result, Schedule 2 has been removed) and we have added a new section 4.7. on Data Portability.



We have removed the limitation to PayPal Premier or Business Accounts from the first paragraph of the Commercial Entity Agreement.



We are updating our data processing terms to reflect that PayPal is a data controller for payment processing and fraud services.



In section 11., we have added a hyperlink to the Mastercard Currency Conversion Calculator and the ECB rate and we have clarified that we are not obliged to send you message pursuant to the "Cross-Border Fee Regulation" (Regulation (EC) 924/2009).



We have added new terms for our iZettle service to our Legal Agreements page for the United Kingdom.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: June 16, 2020

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on


September 14, 2020.

In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to September 14, 2020 without incurring any additional charges.

All changes and updates to the legal agreements are on this page highlighted in italic. This highlighting shall ensure better traceability of the changes and updates applied.

Amendments made for linguistic adjustment, to correct or remove orthographical and grammatical mistakes, or changes to the formatting are not highlighted. This does also apply where we have corrected or standardized numbering and references.


Updates to the PayPal User Agreement

Effective date: September 14, 2020

  • Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the intended changes.

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.


Making A Payment – Buyer Protection

In this section, we have re-introduced the PayPal Buyer Protection Policy into the user agreement and reworded its terms for global alignment.


Receiving Payments – Impact of PayPal Buyer Protection on Sellers

  • We have amended the wording in the "Impact of PayPal Buyer Protection on Sellers" sub-section: If you are a seller and lose a claim under PayPal Buyer Protection and the buyer’s claim was that the item received was Significantly Not as Described, you may not receive the item back, or you may be required to accept the item back and pay for the return shipping costs.


Schedule 1: Table of Fees

A2.4./A2.5. Receiving Payments Through QR Codes in Person

We have introduced new section A2.4./A2.5. in our Table of Fees outlining the fees that will apply to (casual) sellers for receiving payments through our new QR code solution.


Updates to the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement

Effective date: September 14, 2020


12. Cashback program

In section 12 we have added the following wording as the new second paragraph:

From time to time, we might increase the cashback rate (for example to 1 %) for a limited period of time. We will announce such promotional campaigns with an increased cashback rate (including eligibility criteria) in email and/or on our website to you.

Further, we have added three bullet point to the list of "Eligible Payments":

  • any form of payment to governmental bodies or agencies and tax authorities, including but not limited to payments to HMRC and any tax related payments;
  • securities, stocks, funds, savings and investments or any other form of tradable commodities;
  • payments to any other financial institution, including but not limited to the payment of loans, credit card payments, purchase of financial products and issuance of cheques.


14. Authorisation holds

In section 14, we have amended the wording on authorisation holds by removing outdated wording and adding new wording:

When you use your Card to purchase goods or services or to obtain cash from a merchant, the merchant may attempt to obtain preauthorisation from us for the transaction. If the merchant makes such a request, we place a hold on your PayPal balance for up to thirty one (31) days for the amount of the preauthorisation request (which may vary in some cases from the amount of the actual purchase, depending on the merchant). This hold may affect the availability of funds in your PayPal account. If you authorise a transaction and then fail to make a purchase of that item as planned, the approval may result in a hold for that amount of funds for up to thirty one (31) days. All transactions relating to car rentals may result in a hold for that amount of funds for up to sixty (60) (effective 14 September 2020, another thirty (30)) days. We will not be responsible if any transactions are not completed because of the hold. If the preauthorisation request varies from the amount of the actual transaction, we will debit the actual transaction amount from your PayPal balance.


Terms for Access to Bank Account Data

We are newly introducing Terms for Access to Bank Account Data.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: March 19, 2020 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.


Updates to the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement

Effective Date: March 19, 2020

You can find the current PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. No additional fees for receiving international APM payments

We have amended section 3 (Using APM functionality) to clarify that the additional percentage-based fee for receiving international commercial transactions set out in the User Agreement does not apply when you receive APM payments.

2. Annex 1 – APMs

We have amended Annex 1 to introduce Blik (as a standalone service), Multibanco, POLi and Trustpay as new APMs.

3. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Updates to the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy

Effective Date: March 19, 2020

You can find the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Contact information

The contact information in the sections headed “Activities Requiring Approval” and “Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy” has been updated. Instead of sending an email to PayPal, you can complete a webform to submit your query or filing under those sections.


Updates to the User Agreement

Effective Date: March 19, 2020

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. New checkout solution

On and from the Effective Date, we may alternatively refer to the following products/functionalities (mentioned in the sections relating to the new checkout solution in the PayPal User Agreement) by their new names on our website and other written materials:

Current name

New name

new checkout solution

new checkout solution included in the PayPal Commerce Platform

Custom Card Fields

Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments

Payments without a PayPal account service

Basic Credit and Debit Cards Payments

Fraud Tool / Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters

Fraud Protection

The new names will appear in the PayPal User Agreement on and from June 16, 2020. Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the changes intended to take effect on June 16, 2020.

  1. Mass Payments

On and from the Effective Date, we may alternatively refer to Mass Payments by its new name “Payouts” on our website and other written materials.The new name will appear in the PayPal User Agreement on and from June 16, 2020.Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the changes intended to take effect on June 16, 2020.

  1. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Updates to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Effective Date: March 19, 2020

You can find the current PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement by clicking here (if you are resident in the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man) or here (if you are resident elsewhere) or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Changes of names of various products and functionalities

On and from the Effective Date, we will alternatively refer to the following products/functionalities by their new names on our website and other written materials:

Current name

New name

Custom Card Fields

Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments

Fraud Tool / Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters

Fraud Protection

Custom Card Fields API

Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments API

2. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Updates to the User Agreement

Effective Date: June 16, 2020

  • Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the intended changes.

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Actions We May Take If You Engage In Any Restricted Activities - Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy (new section)

We have added a new section which sets out our rights to deduct amounts in respect of damages which arise when you use your PayPal account primarily for the purposes of your trade, business, craft or profession and you violate the Acceptable Use Policy. The new section reads as follows (shown with headings of the root clauses for context and abridged for brevity, with amendments underlined):


Restricted Activities And Holds

Actions We May Take if You Engage in Any Restricted Activities

If you use your PayPal account primarily for the purposes of your trade, business, craft or profession and you violate the Acceptable Use Policy, then:

  • in addition to being subject to the above actions you will be liable to PayPal for the amount of PayPal's damages caused by your violation of the Acceptable Use Policy;
  • you acknowledge and agree that USD 2,500.00 (or the prevailing equivalent in the currency of the country in which you reside) per violation of the Acceptable Use Policy is:
    • a reasonable minimum estimate of PayPal's actual damages considering all currently existing circumstances, including the relationship of the sum to the range of harm to PayPal that reasonably could be anticipated;
    • reasonable and proportionate in its application to the provision of the Services to you; and
    • necessary, but no more than sufficient, to protect PayPal’s legitimate interest in your compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy; and

PayPal may deduct such damages directly from any existing balance in any PayPal account you control.


2. Other Legal Terms – Our Rights – Information About You

We have amended the section headed “Other Legal Terms – Our Rights – Information About You” to clarify your obligations to provide PayPal with information about you to facilitate our actions described in the user agreement, enable us to reduce the risk of fraud or comply with our regulatory (including anti-money laundering) obligations. The section headed “Other Legal Terms – Our Rights – Information About You” now reads as follows (shown with headings of the root clauses for context, with amendments underlined):


Other Legal Terms

Our Rights

Information About You

We may request information from you as we reasonably require to facilitate our actions described in this user agreement, enable us to reduce the risk of fraud or comply with our regulatory (including anti-money laundering) obligations. You must comply with these requests in a timely fashion. This may involve you faxing, emailing or otherwise providing to us at your own expense identification documents and information about your finance and operations (such as your most recent financial statements and merchant processing statements).


3. Fees for receiving Commercial Transaction payments

  1. Users registered with PayPal as residents of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia and Slovenia:

As a reminder (as originally notified in advance on January 2, 2020) the standard rate for receiving domestic commercial transaction payments (Selling) at section A2.2.1 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) was increased to 3.40% + Fixed Fee on March 5, 2020. The amendments which took effect on March 5, 2020 will continue to read and be applied on and after the Effective Date.

  1. Users registered with PayPal as residents of UK, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey:

The standard rate for receiving domestic commercial transaction payments (Selling) at section A2.2.1 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) remains at 2.90% + Fixed Fee.

4. Fees – Commercial Transaction Refunds

As a reminder (as notified on January 2, 2020) section A3.4 (Commercial Transaction Refunds) of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) was amended on March 5, 2020 to clarify that, if you carry out a refund of a Commercial Transaction payment, all of the fees originally paid by you to receive the payment will not be returned to you. The amendment to section A3.4 (Commercial Transaction Refunds) of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) which took effect on March 5, 2020 will continue to read and be applied on and after the Effective Date.

This amendment does not take effect for users registered with PayPal as residents of Ireland until further immediate notice of the change, to be published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after March 5, 2020 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).

5. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors including the following existing sections:



About Your Account – Welcome to PayPal! (last paragraph)

The reference to “60 days” has changed to “two months”.

About Your Account – Closing Your PayPal Account (last paragraph)

The reference to “60 days” has changed to “two months”.


Updates to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

Effective Date: June 16, 2020

You can find the amended PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement below the version of that document currently in force by clicking here (if you reside in the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man) or here (if you reside elsewhere) or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Vaulting Tool

We are pleased to introduce our new Vaulting Tool. We have added new section 7.2 (Vaulting Tool) and updated section 10 (Definitions) with terms specific to the new Vaulting Tool.

2. Account Updater Service

We are also pleased to introduce our new Account Updater Service. We have added new section 7.3 (Account Updater Service) and updated section 10 (Definitions) with terms specific to the new Account Updater Service.

3. Scope of Products - UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man only

We have amended the section headed “About this Agreement” to clarify that:

  • if you are offered and choose to use any Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality (including technology) mentioned in the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement , the terms of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement relating to that Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality apply to you.
  • Fraud Protection is now also an optional additional service in the PayPal Website Payments Pro suite of functionality.
  • the following functionalities are now optional additional services in the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments suite of functionality:
    • any Website Payments Pro functionality;
    • the Vaulting Tool; and
    • the Account Updater Service

The section headed “About this Agreement” now reads as follows (abridged for brevity and shown with headings of root clauses for context, with amendments underlined):


About this Agreement

By integrating or using any of the Products or Online Card Payment Services you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you are offered and choose to use any Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality (including technology) mentioned in this Agreement, the terms in this Agreement relating to that Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality apply.

The Products are:

  • Website Payments Pro - a suite of functionality consisting of Express Checkout, Direct Payments API, Virtual Terminal and Fraud Management Filters as standard. Optional additional services include Fraud Protection, Advanced Fraud Management Filters and the Recurring Payments Tool.
  • Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments - a suite of functionality consisting of the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments API as standard and Fraud Protection as an optional additional service. We may also offer you as optional additional services any of the following:
    • any Website Payments Pro functionality;
    • the Vaulting Tool; and
    • the Account Updater Service.
  • Virtual Terminal – the Virtual Terminal functionality as a standalone Product.



4. Scope of Products – countries other than UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man

We have amended the section headed “About this Agreement” and section 10 (Definitions) to clarify that:

  • if you are offered and choose to use any Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality (including technology) mentioned in the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement , the terms of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement relating to that Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality apply to you.
  • Fraud Protection is now also an optional additional service in the PayPal Website Payments Pro suite of functionality.
  • the following functionalities are now also optional additional services in the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments suite of functionality:
    • any Website Payments Pro Functionality;
    • the Vaulting Tool; and
    • the Account Updater Service.
  • Virtual Terminal is now an Online Card Payment Service available to merchants resident in countries other than the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man and is part of the Website Payments Pro Functionality.

The section headed “About this Agreement” and the relevant parts of section 10 now read as follows (abridged for brevity and shown with headings of the root clauses for context, with amendments underlined):


About this Agreement

By integrating or using the Product and the Online Card Payment Service you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you are offered and choose to use any Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality (including technology) mentioned in this Agreement, the terms in this Agreement relating to that Product, Online Card Payment Service or functionality apply.

The Product is the following:

  • Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments - a suite of functionality consisting of the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments API as standard and Fraud Protection as an optional additional service. We may also offer you as optional additional services any of the following:
    • any Website Payments Pro Functionality;
    • the Vaulting Tool; and
    • the Account Updater Service.

The Product includes one or more Online Card Payment Services. The Online Card Payment Services are:

  • Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments API - Functionality for performing credit and debit card transactions, where the card details are entered online by the cardholder.
  • Virtual Terminal - Functionality provided by PayPal to enable you to receive a card payment by manually entering Card Data given to you by the cardholder.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: January 2, 2020 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)


Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.


Updates to the User Agreement

Effective Date: March 5, 2020

  • Please click HERE to view an updated copy of the intended changes.

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.


1. Fees for receiving Commercial Transaction payments

  1. Users registered with PayPal as residents of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia and Slovenia:

The standard rate for receiving domestic commercial transaction payments (Selling) at section A2.2.1 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) is changed to 3.40% + Fixed Fee.

  1. Users registered with PayPal as residents of UK, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey:

The standard rate for receiving domestic commercial transaction payments (Selling) at section A2.2.1 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) remains at 2.90% + Fixed Fee.

Section A2.2.1 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) (presented in context with the column headings) now reads as follows (with amendments underlined):


A2.2 Receiving Domestic payments (Selling)

A2.2.1 Standard rate

Payments to users registered with PayPal as residents of the UK, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey:


2.90% + Fixed Fee


Payments to users registered with PayPal as residents of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia and Slovenia:


3.40% + Fixed Fee



2. Fees – Commercial Transaction Refunds

Section A3.4 (Commercial Transaction Refunds) of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) is amended to clarify that, if you carry out a refund of a Commercial Transaction payment, all of the fees originally paid by you to receive the payment will not be returned to you. Section A3.4 (Commercial Transaction Refunds) of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) (presented in context with the column headings) now reads as follows (with amendments shown underlined):


A3.4 Commercial Transaction Refunds

If you refund a Commercial Transaction payment, there are no fees to make the refund, but the fees you originally paid to receive the payment are not returned to you.


This change does not take effect for users registered with PayPal as residents of Ireland until further immediate notice of the change, to be published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after March 5, 2020 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).

3. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Updates to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement - UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man only

Effective Date: January 2. 2020

You can find the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Fees

  1. Section 2.4 is amended to reduce the fees we charge for receiving card payments using our Virtual Terminal Product and (as part of the Custom Card Fields product) our Virtual Terminal Online Card Payment Service. The relevant parts of section 2.4 (presented in context with the column headings) now read as follows (with amendments underlined):


2.4 Transaction Fees for receiving Card Payments The following fees apply to each domestic payment you receive from the following types of cards using the following Products:


Card Type


Website Payments Pro

Visa, Mastercard or Maestro


Blended Pricing Fee Structure

3.4% + Fixed Fee


Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)

+ 2.90%

+ Fixed Fee

Virtual Terminal (including when used as functionality in the Custom Card Fields Product)

Visa, Mastercard or Maestro

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

1.2% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)

+ 1.20%

+ Fixed Fee

Custom Card Fields

Visa, Mastercard or Maestro

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

1.2% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)

+ 1.20%

+ Fixed Fee

American Express


On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the PayPal Standard Rate applies.


  1. Section 2.5 is amended to clarify the Fixed Fees which apply to receiving payments using each Product. The relevant parts of section 2.5 (presented in context with the column headings) now read as follows (with amendments underlined):


2.5 Fixed Fees

Fixed Fees depend on the product used and are based on the currency received, as follows:

a. Website Payments Pro

Argentine Peso:

2.00 ARS

New Zealand Dollar:

$0.45 NZD

Australian Dollar:

$0.30 AUD

Norwegian Krone:

2.80 NOK

Brazilian Real:

0.60 BRL

Philippine Peso:

15.00 PHP

Canadian Dollar:

$0.30 CAD

Polish Zloty:

1.35 PLN

Czech Koruna:

10.00 CZK

Russian Ruble

10.00 RUB


€0.35 EUR

Singapore Dollar:

0.50 SGD

Danish Kroner:

2.60 DKK

Swedish Kronor:

3.25 SEK

Hong Kong Dollar:

$2.35 HKD

Swiss Franc:

0.55 CHF

Hungarian Forint:

90 HUF

Taiwan New Dollar:

10.00 TWD

Israeli New Shekels:

1.20 ILS

Thai Baht:

11.00 THB

Japanese Yen:

¥40 JPY

Turkish Lira:

0.45 TRY

Malaysian Ringgit:


UK Pounds Sterling:

£0.20 GBP

Mexican Peso:

4.00 MXN

US Dollar:

$0.30 USD

b. Custom Card Fields and Virtual Terminal

The Fixed Fees as outlined in the User Agreement apply.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: October 21, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.

Notice of amendment to the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement.

Effective Date: October 21, 2019

You can find the current PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. Annex 1 – APMs

We have amended Annex 1 to introduce Finnish (Verkkopankki), PayU (including Blik where powered by PayU) and Trustly as new APMs.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: October 1, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.

Notice of amendment to the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement.

Effective Date: October 1, 2019

You can find the current PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. Change of name

The PayPal Local Payment Method Agreement is now called the PayPal Alternative Payment Methods Agreement. A Local Payment Method (LPM) is now called an Alternative Payment Method (APM). Corresponding changes have been made to other related terminology and to other agreements to reflect the new terminology.

  1. No Seller Protection

We have added a note to section 4 as a reminder that, as already agreed in section 11.10 of the PayPal User Agreement, Seller Protection does not apply to APM payments.

  1. Annex 1 – APMs

We have amended Annex 1 as follows:

  • to confirm that it is now possible for a merchant to use PayPal to refund the payer of a MyBank payment; and
  • to introduce Przelewy24 (P24) as a new APM.

Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: September 17, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.


Updates to the User Agreement

Effective: 11 December 2019

We’re unveiling an entirely redesigned User Agreement for our customers. We’ve worked hard to make this new User Agreement a more user-friendly experience with content that makes it easier for you to understand your rights and obligations when it comes to using PayPal’s products and services.

Here’s what we’ve done:

  1. We’ve redesigned the User Agreement to simplify its format, with new colour-coded headings so you can find the information most relevant to your account more easily. We’ve revised and reorganised the content of the User Agreement to be easier to follow and to include information where you’d naturally look for it. We’re not changing the meaning of what we say, only how we say it and where you can find it.

B. An updated User Agreement, will be available after 10 October 2019. Please click HERE to view once available.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement

Effective Date: October 11, 2019

Sections of the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement have been amended:

  • to clarify and reorganise existing wording, including the following existing sections:



6 Daily Limits on Usage


This section is amended to clarify (by way of guideline only), the standard daily limits which can apply to the usage of your Card.

7 Authorisation of Transactions


This section is amended to clarify the ways in which you can authorise your transactions.

8 Your Payment Obligation

This section is amended to clarify the way in which you can fund your payment.

10 No Use of Your Non-GBP-Balance


This section is amended to clarify how you can make payments in currencies other than GBP.

11. Fees

We are introducing a new section 11.c to clarify how we provide to you our statements.

12. Cash Back Program


This section is amended to clarify the details of the operation of the Cash Back Program. This includes confirmation that the Cash Back Program operates on a “round half up” basis, such that, by way of example, cash back is earned as follows:

  • For a GBP 10.00 purchase transaction = GBP 0.05 cash back
  • For a GBP 10.99 purchase transaction => GBP 0.05 cash back
  • For a GBP 11.00 purchase transaction => GBP 0.06 cash back

See also the reminder in respect of the Cash Back Program in the Notice of amendment to the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement with effective date December 11, 2019 below.

25. Your Right to Terminate

This section is amended to clarify the way in which you can terminate your agreement by telephone.

26. PayPal’s Right to Terminate

This section is amended to clarify the way in which we can terminate your agreement.

; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.

An updated PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement, will be available after October 11, 2019. Please click HERE to view once available.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement

Effective Date: December 11, 2019

  1. Authorisation holds

We are amending section 14 (Authorisation Holds) to explain that:

  • if the merchant makes a pre-authorisation request we may place a hold on your PayPal balance for up to thirty one (31) days for the amount of the preauthorization request;
  • if you authorize a transaction and then fail to make a purchase of that item as planned, the approval may result in a hold for that amount of funds for up to thirty one (31) days; and
  • all transactions that involve incremental adjustment to preauthorization will result in a hold for that amount of funds for up to sixty (60) days.
  1. Cash Back Program

By way of reminder, on October 11, 2019, section 12 (Cash Back Program) was amended to clarify the details of the operation of the Cash Back Program. The amendments which took effect on October 11, 2019 will continue to read and be applied on and after the Effective Date.

A version of the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard Cardholder Agreement showing the above changes will be available after October 11, 2019. Please click HERE to view once available.


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: August 19, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. Terms of use of our new checkout solution

For sellers in the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man:

  • The fees for sellers in the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man have moved to new section A2.2.2.1 of Schedule 1. We have also introduced a fee for receiving American Express Card payments using Custom Card Fields (where we allow you to receive such payments) to new section A2.2.2.1 of Schedule 1.

For sellers elsewhere:

  • We have amended section 5.10 (New checkout solution) of the PayPal User Agreement so that it now contains the terms (including fees) which apply if you are a seller in a country other than the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man and we offer you our new checkout solution and you choose to use it.
  • The fees for sellers in countries other than the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man are set out in new sections A2.2.2.2 (for Ireland) and A2.2.2.3 (for elsewhere) of Schedule 1.
  • Note for Irish registered users: sections 5.10 and A. of Schedule 1 apply to you only after the launch of the new checkout solution for Ireland. PayPal may launch the new checkout solution for Ireland on further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).

Amended sections 5.10 and A2.2.2 of Schedule 1 now read as follows (with changes shown underlined):


5.10 New checkout solution

Our new checkout solution consists of:

  • our dedicated bundled checkout capability in your online checkout/platform to enable a buyer with or without an Account to send a payment to your Account; and
  • our supporting Fraud Tool.

We may offer you all, any part or any combination of parts of the new checkout solution as our new checkout solution service. If we offer you the new checkout solution service and you choose to use it, in addition to this User Agreement, you agree to the following further terms relating to the following capabilities:

  • when you use our LPM functionality as part of the new checkout solution, the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement; and
  • when you use:
    • our Custom Card Fields service as part of the new checkout solution ; and
    • our supporting Fraud Tool (otherwise called the Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters functionality or Fraud Tool in that agreement) as part of the new checkout solution,

the following terms depending on the country in which your Account is registered with PayPal:

Fees which may be set out in the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement, the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man and the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for elsewhere do not apply to your use of the new checkout solution. Instead, our Fees for using the new checkout solution at section A2.2.2 in Schedule 1 apply to your use of the new checkout solution.

Note for Irish registered users: sections 5.10 and A. of Schedule 1 apply to you only after the launch of the new checkout solution for Ireland. PayPal may launch the new checkout solution for Ireland on further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).

A2.2.2 Fees for using the new checkout solution

A2.2.2.1 UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar

Payments from cards (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro) using Custom Card Fields*

Payments from American Express cards using Custom Card Fields

Card-funded payments from users of our Payments without a PayPal account service

Payments from Local Payment Methods

Other payments

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

Interchange Plus Fee Structure


1.20% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Fee + 1.20% + Fixed Fee


1.20% + Fixed Fee

1.20% + Fixed Fee

2.90% + Fixed Fee

* See the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (previously the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) for information about the Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure and your choices.

A2.2.2.2 Ireland

Payments from cards (Visa or Mastercard) using Custom Card Fields*

Card-funded payments from users of our Payments without a PayPal account service

Payments from Local Payment Methods

Other payments

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

Interchange Plus Fee Structure


1.20% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Fee + 1.20% + Fixed Fee

1.20% + Fixed Fee

1.20% + Fixed Fee

Standard Rate in section A2.2.1 or (subject to sections A2.2.3 and A2.2.4) Merchant Rate applies.

* See the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for information about the Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure and your choices.

Note for Irish registered users: sections 5.10 and A. of Schedule 1 apply to you only after the launch of the new checkout solution for Ireland. PayPal may launch the new checkout solution for Ireland on further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).

A2.2.2.3 Elsewhere

Payments from cards (Visa or Mastercard) using Custom Card Fields*

Card-funded payments from users of our Payments without a PayPal account service

Payments from Local Payment Methods

Other payments

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

Interchange Plus Fee Structure


1.90% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Fee + 1.90% + Fixed Fee

1.90% + Fixed Fee

1.90% + Fixed Fee

Standard Rate in section A2.2.1 or (subject to sections A2.2.3 and A2.2.4) Merchant Rate applies.

* See the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for information about the Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure and your choices.



Notice of amendment to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) - UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man only

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

You can find the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. Fees

We have amended the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement to:

  • reduce the fees we currently charge you for receiving card payments using our Custom Card Fields Product; and
  • introduce our fees for receiving American Express Card payments using Custom Card Fields (where we allow you to receive such card payments).

Sections 2.4 and 2.5 are reorganised and replaced with a new section 2.4 to show these and other card transaction fees. Other sections within section 2 are re-numbered accordingly. New section 2.4 now reads as follows:


2.4 Transaction Fees for receiving Card Payments The following fees apply to each domestic payment you receive from the following types of cards using the following Products:


Card Type


Website Payments Pro or Virtual Terminal

Visa, Mastercard or Maestro


Blended Pricing Fee Structure

3.4% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)

+ 2.90%

+ Fixed Fee

Custom Card Fields

Visa, Mastercard or Maestro

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

1.2% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)

+ 1.20%

+ Fixed Fee

American Express



On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the PayPal Standard Rate applies.


  1. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement have been amended:

  • to clarify and reorganise existing wording, including the following existing sections:



New section 5.5

This is a new section which contains terms which apply to you if we allow you to receive payments from American Express cards.

Section 8.1 (Termination and suspension – By you)

We have added some terms which give you more flexibility to stop or terminate your use of Custom Card Fields. We have also added a provision which relates to how you may stop your acceptance of American Express card payments, if we allow you to receive such payments.

; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.



Notice of publication of the new PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for sellers in countries other than UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

We have published a new PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for sellers in countries other than the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man who integrate or use Custom Card Fields and the Custom Card Fields API.

You can find the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

Note for Irish registered users: the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement applies to you only after the launch of Custom Card Fields for Ireland. PayPal may launch Custom Card Fields for Ireland on further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion).


Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: June 14, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)


Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes.


There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Dates shown below. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Effective Date: June 14, 2019, 2019

You can find the current PayPal User Agreement by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or“Legal Agreements”footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Terms of use of our new checkout solution for UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man sellers

We have added the following new sections to the PayPal User Agreement containing the terms (including fees) which apply if we offer you our new checkout solution and you choose to use it:

  • section 5.10 (New checkout solution – UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man users only); and
  • section A2.2.2 of Schedule 1 (Fees for using the new checkout solution - UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar)

New sections 5.10 and A2.2.2 of Schedule 1 read as follows:

5.10 New checkout solution – UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man users only

Our new checkout solution consists of:

  • our dedicated bundled checkout capability in your online checkout/platform to enable a buyer with or without an Account to send a payment to your Account; and
  • our supporting Fraud Tool.

We may offer you all, any part or any combination of parts of the new checkout solution as our new checkout solution service. If we offer you the new checkout solution service and you choose to use it, in addition to this User Agreement, you agree to the following further terms relating to the following capabilities:

Fees which may be set out in the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement and the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement do not apply to your use of the new checkout solution. Instead, our Fees for using the new checkout solution at section A2.2.2 in Schedule 1 apply to your use of the new checkout solution.

A2.2 Receiving Domestic payments (Selling)

A2.2.2 Fees for using the new checkout solution - UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar

A2.2.2.1 Payments from cards (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro) through Custom Card Fields *

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

Interchange Plus Fee Structure


3.4% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Fee + 2.90% + Fixed Fee


* See the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (previously the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) for information about the Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure and your choices.

A2.2.2.2 Payments received other than through Custom Card Fields

3.4% + Fixed Fee

… ”

2. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended:

  • to clarify and reorganise existing wording, including the following existing sections:



6.1 How to Withdraw/Redeem E-money

This section is amended to clarify the types of withdrawals which we may allow.

; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement (UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man only)

Effective Date: June 14, 2019

You can find the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or“Legal Agreements”footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Change of name to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement

We have changed the name of the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement. The new name of this agreement is the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement and we will refer to that name instead in the rest of this notice of amendment.

2. Custom Card Fields

We are pleased to tell you that we plan to launch soon:

  • a new Online Card Payment Service called Custom Card Fields API, which is functionality for performing credit and debit card transactions, where the card details are entered online by the cardholder, as an alternative to the Direct Payments API; and
  • our new Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters functionality, which we may offer together with the Custom Card Fields API as an alternative to the Advanced Fraud Management Filters; and
  • our Custom Card Fields Product, which is a suite of functionality consisting of Custom Card Fields API as standard and Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters as an optional additional service. We may also offer other PayPal Website Payments Pro functionality as part of the Custom Card Fields Product.

We may offer you the Custom Card Fields Product:

  • as a standalone service under the terms of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement, the fees for which are set out in the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement; or
  • as part of our new checkout solution under the terms of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement and the new checkout solution terms in the PayPal User Agreement, the fees for which are set out in the new checkout solution fees section in the PayPal User Agreement.

Please see the new section “About this Agreement” at the start of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement for more information about Custom Card Fields and the other products covered by that agreement.

3. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement have been amended:

  • to clarify and reorganise existing wording, including the following existing sections:



New section “About this Agreement”

This is a new section comprised of and clarifying existing provisions explaining our Products, Online Card Payment Services and how the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement applies to you.



1.3 (Your Information)

This section becomes new section 5.4 (Privacy Statement) under renamed section 5 (How our other legal documents apply) with further amendments for context.

2.6a (Glossary)

2.7 (Blended Pricing or Interchange Plus Transaction Fees?)

3. (Settlement of Card Payments within the Interchange Plus Fee Sturcture)

Together these sections form a new section 3 (Choice of Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure) with further amendments for context.

7. (Banking terms for Card Transactions)

This section becomes new section 5.3 (Commercial Entity Agreement) under renamed section 5 (How our other legal documents apply) with further details for context in new section 5.1 and new section “About this Agreement”.

New section 7 (Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters) and new Schedule 3

This section and schedule contain the terms for your use of Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters.

9.4 (PayPal Hosted Solution and your intellectual property)

This section becomes new section 6.4 (PayPal Hosted Integrations and your intellectual property) with further amendments for context.

10. (Definitions)

This section is amended to:

  • clarify the following definitions: Direct Payments API; Express Checkout; Hosting Option; Online Card Payment Services; PayPal Hosted Integration; Product; Standard PayPal Payments; Virtual Terminal; and Website Payments Pro;
  • replace the definition of Data Protection Directive with the definition of General Data Protection Regulation; and
  • introduce the following new defined terms: Custom Card Fields API; Custom Card Fields Fraud Management Filters; Custom Card Fields; and Self Hosted Integration.


; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

You can find the PayPal User Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or“Legal Agreements”footer on most PayPal site pages.

1. Funding Sources and your liability – UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar users only

We are amending sections 3.2 (Funding Sources – Cards), 3.3 (Funding Sources – Bank accounts) and 10.1c (Your Liability – Actions We May Take - Reimbursement for Your Liability) to clarify that we may collect any amounts you owe to PayPal arising from your activity as a recipient of payments using the Services using your Funding Sources. Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 10.1c now read as follows (abridged for context and brevity or shown with root clauses for context, with amendments underlined):


3.2 Cards. By linking a debit card, credit card or (in certain cases) pre-paid card as a Funding Source, you are providing PayPal with a continuous authority to automatically charge that card for the amount necessary to purchase E-money required in your Balance to cover:

  • a Payment Order (plus transaction fees payable to us) when the card is the applicable Funding Source for that Payment Order pursuant to this Agreement; and
  • if you are registered with PayPal as resident in the UK, any amounts you owe to PayPal arising from your activity as a recipient of payments using the Services.

You can stop the continuous authority in respect of any card by removing that card as a Funding Source in your Account Profile.

3.3 Bank accounts. By linking your bank account as a Funding Source, you are providing PayPal with a continuous authority (subject to the terms of the mandate used by your bank to set up and maintain that authority) to automatically charge your bank account for the amount necessary to purchase E-money in your Balance:

  • required to cover a Payment Order to another User (plus transaction fees payable to us) when the bank account is the applicable Funding Source for that Payment Order pursuant to this Agreement:
  • when using the Add Funds functionality in your Account interface; and
  • required to cover any amounts you owe to PayPal arising from your activity as a recipient of payments using the Services, if you are registered with PayPal as resident in the UK.

10.1 Your Liability.

c. Reimbursement for Your Liability. In the event you are liable for any amounts owed to PayPal, PayPal may immediately remove such amounts from your Balance (if available). If there are insufficient funds in your Balance to cover your liability, PayPal reserves the right to collect your debt to PayPal by using any payments received in your Account and otherwise you agree to reimburse PayPal through other means. If you are registered with PayPal as resident in the UK, PayPal may collect the amount owed using your Funding Sources as further provided in section 3. PayPal may also recover amounts you owe us through legal means, including, without limitation, through the use of a debt collection agency.”

2. Refused Transactions and Refunds

We are amending sections 4.6 (Refused Transactions), 5.7 (Your Refund Policy, Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Security) and A3.1.2 in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) to clarify what happens when a payment is refused or later refunded by the recipient (including where the original payment involved a currency conversion and where a currency conversion (and, in some cases, a currency conversion fee) applies to the returned amount).

Section 4.6 is amended accordingly for payers receiving returned payments and is also renamed “Refused Transactions and Refunds sent by the recipient.”.

Section 5.7 is amended accordingly for recipients sending refunds or refusing payments and is also renamed “Refunds, Refused Payments, Your Refund Policy, Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Security” with a new section 5.7.1 (Refunds and Refused Payments) added for the purpose of this clarification.

Section A3.1.2 in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) is amended accordingly.

Sections 4.6 and 5.7.1 now read as follows (presented in context with their root clauses and with added wording underlined):


4.6 Refused Transactions and Refunds sent by the recipient.

We may allow the recipient of your payment to:

  • refuse to accept it; or
  • decide to accept it and then use our Service to send you a refund of all or any part of the amount of the payment later.

We will return the amount of any refused payment or refunded payment to your Balance. We will return the amount of an unclaimed payment to your Balance within 30 Days after the date you initiated the payment.

If any amount of any payment is returned to you in any of the ways outlined above, we may convert the returned amount for you into either:

  • the currency of the Balance you used for the original payment (before any conversion into the currency received by the recipient happened);
  • the original opening currency of your Account; or
  • US dollars (opening a Balance in that currency for you, if you don’t have one already).

If the original payment you sent involved a currency conversion we will convert the returned amount from the currency received by the recipient as follows:

  • if the amount is returned within 1 day of the date of the original payment, we will use the transaction exchange rate applicable on the date of the original payment, so that you receive the original amount (including the currency conversion fee you paid) in the original currency you converted for the original payment; and
  • if the amount is returned after 1 day of the date of the original payment , we will use the transaction exchange rate applicable at the time of the conversion of the returned amount. See section 8.2 for more information about how we set the transaction exchange rate. Note that, for the purpose of this particular return conversion:.
    • if you are registered with PayPal as resident in the UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Ireland, the transaction exchange rate does not include (and you will not pay) any Currency Conversion Fee; and
    • if you are registered with PayPal as resident elsewhere the transaction exchange rate includes the Currency Conversion Fee. You agree to bear the currency conversion fee set out at section A3.1.2 in this case.

You agree to bear the currency conversion fee set out at section A3.1.2 for any currency conversion carried out for you on any amount returned to you in the ways outlined above. The transaction exchange rate includes the currency conversion fee. The transaction exchange rate may be applied immediately and without notice to you. See section 8.2 for more information about the transaction exchange rate.

We may also automatically withdraw the returned amount from your Balance and transfer the funds back to the funding source you used for the original payment. Withdrawals can also involve a currency conversion – see section 6.

We may decide to not charge your original Funding Source for the original payment in the first place if the amount is returned to your Balance as outlined above before the payment from your original Funding Source to PayPal to fund your original payment has settled.

The returned amount could be lower in value than your original payment amount. This can happen as a result of:

  • the recipient sending you a refund lower in value than your original payment amount. As we are only a payment service provider, we cannot know what you are entitled to from the original payment recipient as a refund or why the recipient sent the refund in a particular amount; or
  • transaction exchange rate fluctuations.

PayPal is not responsible for any loss resulting from the recipient's decision to refuse or refund your payment, except to the extent that a refund sent by the recipient is a payment executed incorrectly by PayPal (see section 12).

5.7 Refunds, Refused Payments, Your Refund Policy, Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Security.

5.7.1 Refunds and Refused Payments

If you are the recipient of a payment and we allow you to refuse a payment or send a refund of that payment to the payer:

  • you alone are (and PayPal is not) responsible for:
    • your legal and contractual obligations towards the payer for any amount you return to the payer; and
    • any difference between the cost to the payer of making the original payment and the value of the amount returned to the payer (for instance, as a result of transaction exchange rate fluctuations) except to the extent that the refund is a payment executed incorrectly by PayPal (see section 12).

5.7.2 Refund Policy

5.7.3 Data Protection and Privacy Policy

5.7.4 Security

A3.1 Currency Conversion

A3.1.2 For all other transactions involving a currency conversion (including conversion of amounts returned to you as refunds or refused payments):


3. Fees – Cross Border Personal Transaction payments – UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar users only

We are changing the fees charged to users in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar to send Cross Border Personal Transaction payments (except where sent to the EEA in Euro or Swedish Krona) as set out at section 1.2.2 (Other Cross Border Personal Transaction payments) of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) and introducing a new section to show these fees. Section A. of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) now reads as follows (with amendments underlined):

A1.2.2 Other Cross Border Personal Transaction payments

A1.2.2.1 Sent by Users with their registered address in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar



Sending a Cross Border Personal Transaction payment


5% of the transaction amount.


The minimum fee is £0.99 GBP and the maximum fee is £2.99 GBP.


4. Fees for receiving Commercial Transaction payments

We are changing our Commercial Transaction payment Fees as follows:

  • The Fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) at section A2.2.1 (UK and Relevant Country Standard rates) in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) is changed to 2.90% + Fixed Fee.
  • The Fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) for users in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar using the new checkout solution at section A2.2.2 is changed to:
    • 1.20% + Fixed Fee for receiving:
      • payments from cards through Custom Card Fields if you are on the Blended Pricing Fee Structure
      • card-funded payments from users of our Payments without a PayPal account service; and
      • payments from Local Payment Methods;
    • Interchange Fee + 1.20% + Fixed Fee for receiving payments from cards through Custom Card Fields if you are on the Interchange Plus Fee Structure; and
    • 2.90% + Fixed Fee for receiving all other types of payments.
  • On and from August 19, 2019 the Merchant rate at section A2.2.3 in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) no longer applies to any UK Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar merchant. In place of the Merchant rate, the standard rate of 2.90% + Fixed Fee applies to each domestic Commercial Transaction payment received by UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar merchants.
  • The additional percentage-based Cross Border Fees set out in the table at section A2.3 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) for receiving payments from Northern Europe, US/Canada or Europe II are increasing and are now as follows:

Sender’s country

Cross Border Fee


Northern Europe



US / Canada



Europe II



Note: If you are a user with your registered address in Ireland, the fees outlined in new section A.2.3.2 shall continue to apply as your additional percentage-based Cross Border Fees until further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion). After that time, the fees in new section A2.3.1 shall apply instead.

  • The Fixed Fee for payments received in UK Pounds Sterling (GBP) at section A4.6 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) is increased to 0.30GBP.

Note: If you are a user with your registered address in Ireland, the Fixed Fee for Commercial Transaction payments and Personal Transaction payments for payments received in GBP will continue to be 0.20 GBP until further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal pages) on or after August 19 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion). After that time, the Fixed Fee for Commercial Transaction payments and Personal Transaction payments for payments received in GBP will increase to 0.30 GBP.

Sections A2 and A4.6 of Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) (presented in context with the column headings) now read as follows (with amendments underlined):

A2. Commercial Transaction payment Fees

Where there is stated to be a Fixed Fee component, please refer to A4.6 of this Schedule 1 for more details.

Activity or Event


A2.1 Sending (Buying)

Free (when no currency conversion is involved)

A2.2 Receiving Domestic payments (Selling)

A2.2.1 Standard rate

2.90% + Fixed Fee

A2.2.2 Fees for using the new checkout solution - UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar

Payments from cards (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro) using Custom Card Fields *

Card-funded payments from users of our Payments without a PayPal account service

Payments from Local Payment Methods

Other payments

Blended Pricing Fee Structure

Interchange Plus Fee Structure

Fees for UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar

1.20% + Fixed Fee

Interchange Fee + 1.20% + Fixed Fee

1.20% + Fixed Fee

1.20% + Fixed Fee

2.90% + Fixed Fee

* See the <PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (previously the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement)> for information about the Interchange Plus Fee Structure and Blended Pricing Fee Structure and your choices.

A2.2.3 Merchant rate (For Accounts with Merchant rate status only. Subject to eligibility, application and approval by PayPal. PayPal may evaluate applications on a case-by-case basis, including, without limitation on the following criteria: qualifying monthly sales volume, size of average shopping cart and an account in good standing. See A2.2.2.4 for more details):


A2.2.3.1 Merchant rates if you are a User registered in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar:

On and from August 19, 2019 the Merchant rate no longer applies to any UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar merchant. In place of the Merchant rate, the standard rate of 2.90% + Fixed Fee applies to each domestic Commercial Transaction payment received by UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man or Gibraltar merchants.

A2.2.3.2 Merchant rates if you are a User registered in a Relevant Country other than the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar:



Aggregate monetary amount of Commercial Transaction payments received in the previous calendar month by a User resident in

Fee per payment

Czech Republic



Any other Relevant Country (except UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar)


0.00 CZK – 70,000.00 CZK

0.00 HUF– 700,000.00 HUF

0.00 CHF– 4,000.00 CHF

€ 0.00 EUR – € 2,500.00 EUR

3.4% + Fixed Fee


70,000.01 CZK - 280,000.00 CZK

700,000.01 HUF – 2,500,000.00 HUF

4,000.01 CHF – 16,000.00 CHF

€ 2,500.01 EUR - € 10,000.00 EUR

2.9% + Fixed Fee


280,000.01 CZK – 1,500,000.00 CZK

2,500,000.01 HUF – 12,500,000.00 HUF

16,000.01 CHF – 80,000.00 CHF

€10,000.01 EUR - € 50,000.00 EUR

2.7% + Fixed Fee


1,500,000.01 CZK – 3,000,000.00 CZK

12,500,000.01 HUF – 25,000,000.00 HUF

80,000.01 CHF – 160,000.00 CHF

€ 50,000.01 EUR - € 100,000.00 EUR

2.4% + Fixed Fee


above 3,000,000.00 CZK

above 25,000,000.00 HUF

above 160,000.00 CHF

above € 100,000.00 EUR

1.9% + Fixed Fee


A2.2.2.4 Merchant Rate eligibility


To be eligible to apply for (and retain) Merchant rate status the Account must:


  • at all times be in good standing and not under investigation; and
  • have received more than the Tier 1 ceiling amount (jn the currency associated with the User’s country of residence as outlined in the tables above) in Commercial Transaction payments in the previous calendar month.


PayPal may downgrade an Account to the Standard rate at any time if the above conditions are not met or there are unresolved chargebacks against the Account. See also section 5.4.


If PayPal downgrades your Account you will need to apply to PayPal again for your Account to get Merchant rate status.


You may apply to receive the Merchant rate for your Account using the dedicated online application form when logged into your PayPal account. If your application is rejected, please note that you may only submit an application once every thirty days.


Merchant rates do not apply to Commercial Transaction payments received through the Website Payments Pro suite of payment functionality, Virtual Terminal and PayPal Here.

A2.3 Receiving Cross Border payments (Selling)

The Fee for Receiving Domestic Commercial Transaction payments applies plus an additional percentage-based Cross Border Fee as set out in the table below (depending on the sender’s country).

Note: Cross Border Euro or Swedish Krona payments made between Accounts registered in the European Union or EEA will be treated as Domestic Commercial Transaction payments for the purpose of applying Fees.

A2.3.1 Everywhere except Ireland

Sender’s country

Cross Border Fee

Northern Europe


Europe I


US / Canada


Europe II


Rest of World


A2.3.2 Ireland

Sender’s country

Cross Border Fee

Northern Europe


Europe I


US / Canada


Europe II


Rest of World


On further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion), the Fees set out in section A2.3.1 shall apply to Users registered in Ireland instead of the Fees set out in this section A2.3.2.

A4.6 Fixed Fees for Commercial Transaction payments and Personal Transaction payments (unless otherwise stated) are based on the currency in which the payment is received, as follows:





Australian Dollar:

0.30 AUD

New Zealand Dollar:

0.45 NZD

Brazilian Real:

0.60 BRL

Norwegian Krone:

2.80 NOK

Canadian Dollar:

0.30 CAD

Philippine Peso:

15.00 PHP

Czech Koruna:

10.00 CZK

Polish Zloty:

1.35 PLN

Danish Kroner:

2.60 DKK

Russian Ruble:

10.00 RUB


0.35 EUR

Singapore Dollar:

0.50 SGD

Hong Kong Dollar:

2.35 HKD

Swedish Krona:

3.25 SEK

Hungarian Forint:

90.00 HUF

Swiss Franc:

0.55 CHF

Israeli New Shekel:

1.20 ILS

New Taiwan Dollar:

10.00 TWD

Japanese Yen:

40.00 JPY

Thai Baht:

11.00 THB

Malaysian Ringgit:

2.00 MYR

U.K. Pounds Sterling:

0.20 GBP (payable by Irish users)

0.30 GBP (payable by all other users)

Mexican Peso:

4.00 MXN

U.S. Dollar:

0.30 USD

On further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion), the Fixed Fee for Commercial Transaction payments and Personal Transaction payments for payments received in GBP will increase to 0.30 GBP for Users registered in Ireland.



5. Fees – Currency Conversion Fees – UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar users only

We are increasing the Currency Conversion Fees at section A3.1.2 (For all other transactions involving a currency conversion) in Schedule 1 charged to UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar users from 3.5% to 3.75% for conversions into the following currencies:

  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
  • Czech Koruna (CZK)
  • Danish Krone (DKK)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Hungarian Forint (HUF)
  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
  • Polish Zloty (PLN)
  • Russian Ruble (RUB)
  • Swedish Krona (SEK)
  • Swiss Franc (CHF)
  • UK Pounds Sterling (GBP)
  • US Dollar (USD)

Note: If you are a user with your registered address in Ireland, the Current Currency Conversion Fees for Irish Users at section A3.1.2 (For all other transactions involving a currency conversion) in Schedule 1 shall continue to apply until further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion). After that time, the Currency Conversion Fees for Irish Users at section A3.1.2 in Schedule 1 increase as follows:

  • from 3.5% to 3.75% for conversions into the following currencies:
    • Czech Koruna (CZK)
    • Danish Krone (DKK)
    • Euro (EUR)
    • Hungarian Forint (HUF)
    • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
    • Polish Zloty (PLN)
    • Russian Ruble (RUB)
    • Swedish Krona (SEK)
    • Swiss Franc (CHF)
    • UK Pounds Sterling (GBP)


  • from 3.0% to 3.25% for conversions into the following currencies:
    • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
    • US Dollar (USD)

Section A3.1 (Currency Conversion) in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) now reads as follows (with amendments underlined):


Activity or Event


A3.1 Currency Conversion

A3.1.1 For currency conversions of amounts in your PayPal account that do not form part of a specific transaction into or out of your account (e.g. converting your balance to another currency) and for transactions involving a currency conversion for which the seller has agreed to bear the conversion fee:

2.5% above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate).

A3.1.2 For all other transactions involving a currency conversion (including conversion of amounts returned to you as refunds or refused payments):

A3.1.2.1If you are a User registered in a Relevant Country other than the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar and Ireland:

4.0% above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate).

A3.1.2.2 If you are a User registered in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar or Ireland:

Between 3.0% and 4.0% above the base exchange rate (to form the transaction exchange rate) depending on the currency into which the relevant amount is converted (please refer to the table below):

Currency and Code

Currency Conversion Fee for UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar Users

Current Currency Conversion Fee for Irish Users

Currency Conversion Fee for Irish Users effective on further notice on or after 19 August 2019 *

Australian Dollar (AUD):



Brazilian Real (BRL):



Canadian Dollar (CAD):




Czech Koruna (CZK):




Danish Krone (DKK):




Euro (EUR):




Hong Kong Dollar (HKD):



Hungarian Forint (HUF):




Israeli Shekel (ILS):



Japanese Yen (JPY):



Malaysian Ringgit (MYR):



Mexican Peso (MXN):



New Zealand Dollar (NZD):



Norwegian Krone (NOK):




Philippine Peso (PHP):



Polish Zloty (PLN):




Russian Ruble (RUB):




Singapore Dollar (SGD):



Swedish Krona (SEK):




Swiss Franc (CHF):




Taiwan New Dollar (TWD):



Thai Baht (THB):



U.K. Pounds Sterling (GBP):




U.S. Dollar (USD):




* On further immediate notice published by PayPal on the Policy Updates page (accessible via the Legal footer on most PayPal site pages) on or after August 19, 2019 (as PayPal may determine in its sole discretion), the “Currency Conversion Fee for Irish Users effective on further notice on or after 19 August 2019” set out above shall apply to Users registered in Ireland instead of the “Currency Conversion Fee for Irish Users” set out above.



6. Withdrawing your Balance

We are amending section A3.2 (Withdrawing Your Balance) in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) as follows:

  • Users in Romania, Slovenia and Bulgaria will be charged a fee of 1% of the amount withdrawn to/through a card with a minimum and maximum fee depending on the currency in which the card is denominated.
  • Users in Cyprus, Estonia, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia and San Marino will be charged a fee for a withdrawal to/through a card depending on the currency in which the card is denominated.

Section A3.2 in Schedule 1 (Table of Fees) now reads as follows (with amendments underlined):


A3.2 Withdrawing your Balance

A3.2.1 Withdrawal directly to a bank account (where available*)

Free (when no currency conversion is involved**)

If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your Account is denominated, you will additionally be charged Currency Conversion Fees as set out above.

* Withdrawal to a bank account may not be possible in all countries.

**A currency conversion (and Currency Conversion Fees) may also apply – see section 6 (Withdrawing/Redeeming E- money) for details.


A3.2.2 Withdrawal to/through a card (where available*)


A3.2.2.1 Users in the United Kingdom, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man:

Free (when no currency conversion is involved)

A3.2.2.2 Users in Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria

1% of the amount transferred with a minimum and maximum fee depending on the currency in which the card is denominated (we call this the Withdrawal Currency) **, as follows:

Withdrawal Currency

Minimum Fee

Maximum Fee

United Arab Emirates Dirham

0.90 AED

36.70 AED

Australian Dollar

0.25 AUD

10.00 AUD

Bulgarian Lev

0.50 BGN

20.00 BGN

Canadian Dollar

0.25 CAD

10.00 CAD

Swiss Franc

0.25 CHF

10.00 CHF

Czech Koruna

5.70 CZK

230.00 CZK

Danish Krone

1.80 DKK

70.00 DKK


0.25 EUR

10.00 EUR

British Pound

0.20 GBP

8.00 GBP

Hong Kong Dollar

2.00 HKD

80.00 HKD

Croatian Kuna

2.00 HRK

70.00 HRK

Hungarian Forint

70.00 HUF

2900.00 HUF

Israeli New Shekel

1.00 ILS

40.00 ILS

Japanese Yen

30 JPY

1100 JPY

Kuwaiti Dinar


No max

Sri Lanka Rupee

50.00 LKR

1800.00 LKR

Mexican Peso

5.00 MXN

200.00 MXN

Malaysian Ringgit

1.00 MYR

40.00 MYR

Norwegian Kroner

1.00 NOK

40.00 NOK

New Zealand Dollar

0.40 NZD

15.00 NZD

Philippine Peso

10.00 PHP

500.00 PHP

Polish Zloty

1.00 PLN

40.00 PLN

Qatari Rial

1.00 QAR

40.00 QAR

Romania New Lei

1.00 RON

40.00 RON

Serbian Dinar

25.00 RSD

1000.00 RSD

Russian Rouble

20.00 RUB

700.00 RUB

Swedish Krona

2.50 SEK

100.00 SEK

Singapore Dollar

0.50 SGD

15.00 SGD

Thai Baht

8.00 THB

320.00 THB

Turkish Lira

1.50 TRY

60.00 TRY

US Dollar

$0.25 USD


South African Rand

3.60 ZAR

145.00 ZAR

All other currencies

No minimum/maximum fee


A3.2.2.3 Users in Cyprus, Estonia, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Slovakia and San Marino*:

The following fee applies per withdrawal **, depending on the currency in which the card is denominated (we call this the Withdrawal Currency).

Withdrawal Currency


United Arab Emirates Dirham

10.00 AED

Argentinian Peso

8.00 ARS

Australian Dollar

3.50 AUD

Bulgarian Lev

3.50 BGN

Brazilian Real

4.50 BRL

Canadian Dollar

3.00 CAD

Swiss Franc

3.50 CHF

Chilean Peso

1200.00 CLP

Cyprus Pound

1.20 CYP

Czech Koruna

55.00 CZK

Danish Krone

15.00 DKK

Estonian Kroon

30.00 EEK


2.00 EUR

British Pound

1.50 GBP

Gibraltar Pound

1.50 GIP

Hong Kong Dollar

20.00 HKD

Croatian Kuna

15.00 HRK

Hungarian Forint

500.00 HUF

Indonesian Rupiah

23000.00 IDR

Israeli New Shekel

11.00 ILS

Indian Rupee

100.00 INR

Iceland Krona

170.00 ISK

Japanese Yen

300 JPY

Lithuanian Litas

7.00 LTL

Latvian Lats

1.50 LVL

Maltese Lira

0.9 MTL

Mexican Peso

30.00 MXN

Malaysian Ringgit

8.00 MYR

Norwegian Kroner

16.00 NOK

New Zealand Dollar

4.00 NZD

Philippine Peso

100.00 PHP

Polish Zloty

8.00 PLN

Romania New Lei

6.00 RON

Russian Rouble

150.00 RUB

Swedish Krona

18.00 SEK

Singapore Dollar

4.00 SGD

Slovak Koruna

70.00 SKK

Thai Baht

90.00 THB

Turkish Lira

3.80 TRY

US Dollar

$2.50 USD

Uruguayan Peso

50.00 UYU

South African Rand

20.00 ZAR

All other currencies


* Withdrawal to a card may not be possible in all countries.

**A currency conversion (and Currency Conversion Fees) may also apply – see section 6 (Withdrawing/Redeeming E- money) for details.



7. Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) UK, Gibraltar, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man only

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

You can find the amended PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) below the version of that agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

  1. Fees

The fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) as outlined in the PayPal User Agreement now applies to each domestic Standard PayPal Payment you receive via Express Checkout, instead of the PayPal Standard Rate fee for receiving such payments outlined at section 2.3.

Also, on and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate outlined throughout section 2 (Fees) of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) no longer applies. This means that, in place of the PayPal Merchant Rate:

  • the fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) as outlined in the PayPal User Agreement applies to each domestic Standard PayPal Payment you receive via Express Checkout; and
  • the relevant PayPal Standard Rate applies to card payments you receive under the Blended Pricing Fee Structure or the Interchange Plus Fee Structure.

Section 2 (Fees) of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) now reads as follows (with amendments underlined):



2. Fees

2.1 How fees are paid. You agree to pay the fees in this Agreement as they become due without set-off or deduction.You authorise us to (and we may) collect Monthly Fees first from any available Balance in your Account and then also from the funding source(s) registered for your Account, and you authorise us to (and we may) collect fees for receiving payments from the payments you receive before those funds are credited to your account. If we are unable to collect a past due fee from your Account and its funding source(s), we may take action against you as provided in the User Agreement for unpaid fees.

Except as further provided in this Agreement, you agree to pay the fees set out in the User Agreement.

Fees will be charged in the currency of the payment received.

2.2 Monthly Fees


Monthly Fee

Website Payments Pro (including Express Checkout, Direct Payments API, Virtual Terminal and Fraud Management Filters)

GBP 20.00

Virtual Terminal only

GBP 20.00

Custom Card Fields



2.3 Transaction Fees for Standard PayPal Payments with Express Checkout

The fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) as outlined in the User Agreement applies to each domestic Standard PayPal Payment you receive via Express Checkout.

On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the fee for Receiving Domestic payments (Selling) as outlined in the User Agreement applies to each domestic Standard PayPal Payment you receive via Express Checkout.


2.4 Transaction Fees for Card Payments under the Blended Pricing Fee Structure

The PayPal Standard Rate of 3.4% + Fixed Fee applies to each domestic payment you receive from a card (Visa, MasterCard or Maestro) using the Online Card Payment Services under the Blended Pricing Fee Structure.

On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the PayPal Standard Rate applies.

2.5 Transaction Fees for Card Payments under the Interchange Plus Fee Structure

The PayPal Standard Rate of:



Interchange Fee (approximately ranges from 0.2% to 2.0%)
+ 2.9%
+ Fixed Fee


applies to each payment you receive from a card (Visa, MasterCard or Maestro) using the Online Card Payment Services under the Interchange Plus Fee Structure.

On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the PayPal Standard Rate applies.

2.6 Fixed Fees are based on the currency received, as follows:

Argentine Peso:

2.00 ARS

New Zealand Dollar:

$0.45 NZD

Australian Dollar:

$0.30 AUD

Norwegian Krone:

2.80 NOK

Brazilian Real:

0.60 BRL

Philippine Peso:

15.00 PHP

Canadian Dollar:

$0.30 CAD

Polish Zloty:

1.35 PLN

Czech Koruna:

10.00 CZK

Russian Ruble

10.00 RUB


€0.35 EUR

Singapore Dollar:

0.50 SGD

Danish Kroner:

2.60 DKK

Swedish Kronor:

3.25 SEK

Hong Kong Dollar:

$2.35 HKD

Swiss Franc:

0.55 CHF

Hungarian Forint:

90 HUF

Taiwan New Dollar:

10.00 TWD

Israeli New Shekels:

1.20 ILS

Thai Baht:

11.00 THB

Japanese Yen:

¥40 JPY

Turkish Lira:

0.45 TRY

Malaysian Ringgit:


UK Pounds Sterling:

£0.20 GBP

Mexican Peso:

4.00 MXN

US Dollar:

$0.30 USD


2.7 Merchant Rate

On and from August 19, 2019 the PayPal Merchant Rate no longer applies. In place of the PayPal Merchant Rate, the Transaction Fees outlined in clauses 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 apply, subject to the rest of this clause 2.

2.8 Additional Transaction Fees



Receiving Cross Border Payments

The fee for Receiving Cross Border payments (Selling) applies as outlined in the User Agreement, except that it does not apply to payments received from cards using the Online Card Payment Services under the Interchange Plus fee structure.

Additional fee for failure to implement PayPal Express Checkout

If you do not implement Express Checkout as required in section 1.2 above, the percentage components of the Transaction Fees set out in section 2 will each increase by an additional 0.5 % after PayPal gives you 30 days’ notice. You agree to pay the increased fees.

Additional fees for additional risk factors

If PayPal determines that your Account receives, or is likely to receive, a disproportionately high number of customer complaints, Reversals, Chargebacks, Claims, or other indicators of a serious level of risk, PayPal may increase the percentage components of your Transaction Fees by up to 5%, after giving you 30 days prior notice of the increase. You agree to terminate your use of the Product if you do not agree to this increase.

Recurring Payment Tool (optional service)

GBP 20.00 per month

Uncaptured Authorisation Transactions

GBP 0.20

for each successful but uncaptured authorisation transaction via Direct Payment API or Virtual Terminal

Card Account Verification Transactions

0.20 GBP

for each card account verification request (for all Direct Payment API or Virtual Terminal card account verification transactions (Visa and MasterCard only). For the avoidance of doubt, this does not include Uncaptured Authorisation Transactions.

2.9 MasterCard transactions. For further information about MasterCard’s rules and rates, please visit: http://www.mastercard.com/us/merchant/index.html.

2.10 Monthly Reports on Transaction Costs. PayPal shall make available monthly reports on transaction costs (inclusive of interchange fees) for card transactions which you process with PayPal Website Payments Pro, Custom Card Fields and Virtual Terminal. These reports will be downloadable from your PayPal Account. The reports do not include any Standard PayPal payments.



  1. Other changes

Other clauses of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement (formerly the PayPal Website Payments Pro and Virtual Terminal Agreement) have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Here™ Agreement (UK (and Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Gibraltar where applicable) only)

Effective Date: August 19, 2019

You can find the amended PayPal Here™ Agreement below the version of that agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages. This product is available only to residents of the UK (and, as PayPal may allow, residents of Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and/or Gibraltar).

Sections of the PayPal Here™ Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording (including section 10.5.1 (PayPal Here Merchant Rate) to confirm that Merchant Rate under the PayPal User Agreement no longer applies on and from August 19, 2019) and correct minor typographical errors.

Please also note that if you use PayPal Here™, except as further provided in section 10, you agree to pay the fees prescribed for Business Accounts in the PayPal User Agreement.

Please see the Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement (Effective Date August 19, 2019) for details of fee changes in the PayPal User Agreement.



Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Issued: May 29, 2019

Effective Date: May 29, 2019

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Date. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended:

  • A new distinct section entitled 8.3 Currency Conversion Choices was implemented where information is provided on the currency conversion choices and the option to choose between them:



8.2 Currency Conversion

The last four paragraphs of this section become new section 8.3 (Currency Conversion Choices).

; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Privacy Statement

Issued: May 29, 2019

Effective Date: September 29, 2019

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review the notices below so that you are familiar with these upcoming changes changes.

There is no further action needed from you as these changes will take place automatically on the Effective Date. In the event you would prefer to decline these changes and close your account, you can do so prior to the Effective Date without incurring any additional charges.

We’re making changes to the Privacy Statement that provides information on how we use your data.

We've provided additional details on how we use data when you transact with your friends, as well as more information on how we use data to prevent fraud and risk.

You can review the changes and the current Privacy Statement here.



Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: March 13, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)


Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review this notice to familiarise yourself with the changes that are being made.

You do not need to do anything to accept the changes as they will automatically come into effect on the Effective Dates shown below. Should you decide you do not wish to accept them you can notify us before the Effective Date or any time after that to close your account immediately without incurring any additional charges.

Please review the current Legal Agreements in effect.


Notice of amendment to the Commercial Entity Agreement For PayPal Payment Card Funded Processing Services (Worldpay)

Effective Date: March 13, 2019

This notice applies only if you have accepted the terms and conditions of the Commercial Entity Agreements, (typically if you are a User receiving card-funded payments for commercial transactions, like a merchant).

Although PayPal is not a party to the Commercial Entity Agreements, these agreements affect how you receive card-funded payments using PayPal’s services. They are your direct agreements with PayPal’s banking partners, who enable you to receive card-funded PayPal payments.

The Commercial Entity Agreements apply to merchants across the world – this means that not all of the changes to these agreements affect merchants resident in Europe. We have given notice only of the changes that affect merchants resident in Europe.

You can find the amended Commercial Entity Agreements below the version of those agreements currently in force by clicking here or accessing them via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most pages on the PayPal site.

1. Globalpay Commercial Entity Agreement for Credit Card Processing Services (formerly the HSBC Bank Commercial Entity Agreement for Credit Card Processing Services)

Until the Effective Date, your agreement is with GPUK LLP as Member and Processor in respect of card processing services provided to you under the agreement. On and from the Effective Date, your agreement is with GPUK LLP, Global Payments Europe s.r.o., a limited company in the Czech Republic, or Global Payments Limited, a limited company in Malta, each as a Member and Processor in respect of card processing services provided to you under the agreement. You do not need to do anything to accept the change.

The agreement has also been amended to clarify existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.

For information only, the agreement is also amended for merchants based outside of Europe – merchants based in Europe are not affected by these particular amendments.

2. Commercial Entity Agreement For PayPal Payment Card Funded Processing Services (WorldPay)

Until the Effective Date, your agreement is with Worldpay (UK) Limited as Acquirer in respect of card processing services provided to you under the agreement. On and from the Effective Date, your agreement is with Worldpay (UK) Limited and/or Worldpay B.V. as Acquirer. You do not need to do anything to accept the change.

The agreement has also been amended to clarify existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.



Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Issued: February 27, 2019

Effective Date: February 27, 2019

1. Notice of changes to the Fees for Cross Border Personal Transaction payments sent by Users with their registered address in Ireland

This notice is made in accordance with section A1.2.2.2 of Schedule 1 of the PayPal User Agreement.

With effect on and from February 27, 2019, if you are a User with your registered address in Ireland, the Fees set out in current section A1.2.2.3 shall apply to you instead of the Fees set out in current section A1.2.2.2. Section A1.2.2.2. of the PayPal User Agreement has been amended accordingly and will eventually be deleted, so that current section A1.2.2.3 will become new section A1.2.2.2.



Notice of Amendment to PayPal Legal Agreements

Issued: January 30, 2019 (for Effective Dates see each individual agreement below)

Please read this document.

We’re making changes to the legal agreements that govern your relationship with PayPal.

We encourage you to carefully review this notice to familiarise yourself with the changes that are being made.

You do not need to do anything to accept the changes as they will automatically come into effect on the Effective Dates shown below. Should you decide you do not wish to accept them you can notify us before the Effective Date or any time after that to close your account immediately without incurring any additional charges.

Please review the current Legal Agreements in effect.

Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Effective Date: January 30, 2019

You can find the PayPal User Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended:

  • to clarify and reorganise existing wording, including the following existing sections:



Section 2.6 (Balances in Multiple Currencies)

This section is amended to further clarify how PayPal may allow you to convert money in your Balance into a Balance in another currency.

Section 5 (Receiving Money)

The start of this Section is amended to further clarify how further terms of use apply to merchants when they have integrated into their online checkout/platform any functionality intended to enable a customer without an Account to send a payment to the merchant’s Account (for instance, using alternative local payment methods).


See also the reminder in respect of local payment methods (LPMs) in the Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement with effective date April 29, 2019 below.

Section 5.5 (Receiving Money in different currencies.)

This Section is amended to further clarify what PayPal may allow you to do when you receive money in different currencies.

; and

  • correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal User Agreement.

Effective Date: April 29, 2019

You can find the PayPal User Agreement currently in force by clicking here or accessing it via the “Legal” or “Legal Agreements” footer on most PayPal site pages.

1) Pay After Delivery

We are adding a new paragraph to the end of Section 3.3 of the PayPal User Agreement (Funding Sources - Bank Accounts) to clarify that, if we choose to offer you access to our Pay After Delivery product and you choose to use it, the Pay After Delivery Terms will also apply to you. You can access the Pay After Delivery Terms here.

The new paragraph in Section 3.3 of the PayPal User Agreement reads as follows:

“PayPal may choose to offer some customers who have linked a bank account as a Funding Source access to Pay After Delivery, which allows a customer to defer a charge to this bank account for a period of time. If you are offered and choose to use this service, the Pay After Delivery Terms will apply.”


2) Local payment methods (LPMs)

By way of reminder for merchants using PayPal to receive Commercial Transaction payments, on 13 November 2018 PayPal started to enable some customers without Accounts to send payments to merchants’ Accounts using alternative local payment methods.

For this purpose, on 13 November 2018, the opening paragraph of Section 5 of the PayPal User Agreement was amended to clarify how further terms of use apply to merchants when they have integrated into their online checkout/platform any functionality intended to enable a customer without an Account to send a payment to the merchant’s Account (for instance, using alternative local payment methods). This includes the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement.

At the date of this notice the opening paragraph of Section 5 reads and applies (and will continue to read and be applied, including on and after the Effective Date) as follows:

5. Receiving Money

PayPal may allow anybody (with or without a PayPal Account) to initiate a payment resulting in the issuance or transfer of E-money to your Account. By integrating (including having already integrated) into your online checkout/platform any functionality intended to enable a payer without an Account to send a payment to your Account, you agree to all further terms of use of that functionality which PayPal will make available to you on any page on the PayPal or Braintree website (including any page for developers and our Legal Agreements page) or online platform. Such further terms include the PayPal Local Payment Methods Agreement.”

3) Other changes

Sections of the PayPal User Agreement have been amended to clarify and reorganise existing wording and correct minor typographical errors.


Notice of amendment to the PayPal Privacy Statement

We’re making changes to the Privacy Statement that provides information on how we use your data.

We've provided additional details on how we use data when you transact with your friends, as well as more information on how we use data to prevent fraud and risk.

You can review the changes and the current Privacy Statement here.