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Deliver a smooth, personalized checkout experience on the web, on mobile, and in person


Accept payments to capture more revenue

Provide a seamless and secure checkout experience and plug into our high-converting PayPal consumer network.

3 credit and debit cards represent ome popular payment methods merchants can accept with PayPal

Give consumers their choice of payment methods

Create consistently exceptional commerce experiences by offering customers a choice of the most popular payment options.

Power one-click payments, securely

Enable consumers to securely store and retrieve their payment information to make shopping from their favourite businesses a seamless experience.

Build loyalty and grow revenue through a better checkout experience

Our optimized processing engine removes friction at checkout by helping to keep payment methods up to date and decreasing false declines.

Provide smooth, mobile-first shopping experiences that engage customers

We help you create a frustration-free checkout process you can easily brand, design, and optimize, so you develop trust and loyalty among your customers.

Partner with a payment processing provider that gives you access to insights from tens of billions of transactions annually. Lean into these insights to optimize your entire payments strategy to reach your unique business goals.

Looking for an out-of-the-box commerce solution?See PayPal for Small-to-Medium Businesses         

By implementing the payment solution of Braintree (a PayPal service) we’ve seen a significant increase in in-app sales. We couldn’t be happier with the outcomes and look forward to continuing to work with Braintree.

Mike Woodhouse

Senior Product Manager Digital & Customer Platforms
