If an eligible item you bought with PayPal doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, we will reimburse you for the full amount of the item including shipping costs.
You can open a dispute in the Resolution Center if you didn’t receive an item you ordered or the item you ordered arrives and is significantly different to how it was originally described. Please refer to our Buyer Protection Policy for more information on timeframes and the dispute resolution process.
PayPal Customer Support is here to assist you if a problem does arise. We can help you deal with a Buyer Protection claim, suspicious account activity, or a problem with a purchase. If you have a question, please contact us.
We’ll email you a receipt confirming payment whenever you pay with PayPal. If you receive an email for a payment you didn’t authorize, contact us immediately. We’ll act fast to secure your account and investigate.
Our Buyer Protection Policy helps you in the unlikely event you have a problem with an eligible purchase. If an item doesn’t arrive or match the seller’s description, we’ll help you recover the full purchase price (up to $20,000 USD), including shipping costs.